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Attendance / Report an Absence

If your child is absent, please call the EJH attendance secretary at 817-399-3822 to report the absence. If you leave a voicemail message, please include this information:

  • your child's name, grade, and ID number
  • the reason for the absence
  • your name
  • your phone number
  • and then repeat this information.

It is a parent's responsibility to report the student's absence within 72 hours. If the absence is not reported within the time specified, it will be considered an unexcused absence regardless of the reason for the absence.

If your child has been absent more than 10% of the school days enrolled, then a doctor's note will be required for each absence recorded.


Tardy / Late to school

The warning bell rings at 8:15 AM and at 8:20 AM. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in their classroom and ready to learn when the bell rings to begin each class period. Excessive tardiness will result in a Truancy notice.


Doctor's Notes

When your child visits the doctor, dentist, or any other health professional during the school day, make sure to get a signed note from their office stating the appointment date and time. A copy of the note should be turned in to the office as soon as your child returns to school. If it is requested that your child remain out of school for an extended period of time, those exact dates must be noted on the excuse. You may also email doctor's notes to


Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Forms

If your student is getting a driver's permit or license, they will need to have a VOE form issued by the school. To request one, contact Mrs. Arnold either in person, by phone at (817) 399-3822, or by email at and please give at least 24 hours notice. Students will be able to come before or after school to the attendance office to retrieve and sign their VOE form. The student will need to be in compliance with the Texas education code #25.092 and have more than 90% of attendance to be able to get this document. Please note that this form is only valid for 30 days. The document will be valid throughout the summer if it is issued in the last week of school.